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Best Bass Amp Vst Plugin

liadiacufau1977 2021. 6. 11. 05:55

FREE VST PLUGINS VST Effects Guitar effects Guitar / Amp Bass Preamp. Guitar / Amp Guitar effects VST Effects Bass Preamp. Bass Preamp is an analog tube bass preamp. ON / OFF Switch: Preamp Activation. HARD / SOFT: Preamp Tone Character. X-TRA Lo: Additional Lo Body. Ample Bass P Lite II aim to bring the Fender Precision Bass sound to your studio. The Ample Bass VST plugin is an electric bass vst plugin great for some groovier and more rock-centric bass sounds.

VST 4 FREE - Free Audio Plug-ins and Archives. Free VST downloads: FabBass (Hofner violin bass by Samsara Cycle Audio) - Digital Nylon (Nylon guitar by TED) - Classic. Guitar / Amp Guitar effects VST Effects Bass Preamp. Free vst plugins June 25, 2019. Previous Article Thai Gongs. Next Article Kicker.


Libra is a zero latency, 8 channel Impulse Response (IR) convolver, designed to be used as a cabinet simulator for guitar and bass (pre)amplifiers (AAX/AU/VST/VST3 or even hardware).

It has been designed to perform pristine quality convolution in real time, while being light on the CPU and easy to use, providing advanced built-in filters and delay controls to let guitarists and bassists shape their tone with ease, without the need to be professional audio engineers.

The ones we have included are some of the best emulations of classic bass synths. Let’s now get into these 15 unique bass plugins! 15 Of The Best Bass VST Plugins in 2018 1. Trilian by Spectrasonics 299 USD Main Features: One of the most comprehensive bass plugins on the market; Easy customization and user-friendly interface. If you are looking for an inspiring weighty bass tone, Loopmasters’ Bass Master Synth plugin is worth considering. At its core is a pair of oscillators offering over 200 waveforms powered by both classic and modern bass sources. It also features up to 350 presets with parameters ready-mapped to the three-slot mod wheel matrix. Standalone + Vst Plugin. One of the best options you can find, and the easiest to use, are standalone programs that can act as a plug-in as well. Which is arguably one of the best amps from the fifties. The original inspiration is 5W, all-tube amp. And it has three knobs for tone, gain, and volume. While it would be amazing if they.

Its unique Cartesian Mixer allows the user to mix up to 8 different IRs in a graphical way, keeping the output level consistent and allowing to perfectly balance different cabs and mics.
Additionally, you can export the equivalent IR to use it in your favourite device.

Libra is meant to be used as a cabinet simulator for live playing and jamming, tracking or mixing inside hosts capable of AAX/AU/VST/VST3 Plug-Ins support.


  • Zero Latency
  • Low CPU usage
  • Mono and Stereo support
  • Automatic high-quality resampling for IRs with different sampling rates
  • High-quality analog shaped filters
  • Selectable delay for phase interactions between loaded IRs
  • Automatic phase recognition and flipping for negative phase IRs
  • Resonance for power-amp/speaker interaction control
  • Continuous graphical morphing control between loaded IRs
  • Option to merge multiple IRs into one and export it as a new IR
  • Option to freeze multiple IRs processing and greatly reduce CPU usage
  • Global input level and single IR level controls
  • Fully automatable controls

Here’s a roundup of three of the best free bass plugins to use for DI recording, jamming live, or for practicing.

Best Free Bass Amp Plugins

Lately I’ve been learning to play the bass guitar mostly for recording purposes because when you like playing metal and hard rock like I do, fake bass just doesn’t cut it in the mix, not unless you want to spend a fortune on bass modeling software and then spend countless hours learning how to use it.

There’s no substitute for the real thing, and with the free plugins below you can make your bass sound like a beast.

It’s amazing how easy it is to get even a cheap bass guitar to sound great with these plugins.

So far my favorite is Ignite Amp’s SHB-1. You can get a good range of tones with it, and it’s easy on CPU usage. But the TSE B.O.D sounds good too.

I haven’t had a chance to test out the free Solid State Bass Preamp that comes with AmpliTube Custom Shop, but it’s another good free option. IK’s Ampeg SVX is one of the more popular paid bass amp sim plugins.

If you know of any other good free bass amp sim plugins, please share them in the comments section.

Best Free Bass Amp Sim Plugins

The GK Amplification 2 from Audiffex is a free bass amp sim modeled after a Gallien Krueger bass amp and it also comes with a MB 150 cabinet and an Audix D6 mic. It works as a plugin in VST, AU, and AAX formats and it’s also a standalone program.

Best Bass Vst Plugin

The SHB-1 is modeled after the real SHB-1 bass tube amp, which was custom built by Ignite Amps for Federico Fulceri, the bass player for the Italian thrash/death metal band Subhuman. The plugin is available for PC and Mac in AU and VST formats, with support for 64 and 32 bit.

The AmpliTube Custom Shop comes with some free gear to get users started, which includes a Solid State Bass Preamp, along with a few free effects, cabinets, stomp boxes, and three other amps.

Best Bass Guitar Vst Plugin

The good thing about AmpliTube verses the other two free plugins is it’s a standalone program so it doesn’t require the use of separate DAW software. But it’s also available as a plugin for VST, AU, and AAX formats, with support for 64 bit only.

The TSE B.O.D. is a digital replica of the SansAmp Bass Driver DI pedal, a popular bass preamp DI box with distortion, presence, and EQ controls. The free plugin is available in VST, AU, and AAX formats, with support for 64 and 32 bit.

Free Bass Amp Vst

TSE also offers a really good free tube screamer pedal called the TSE 808 that’s worth checking out. It’s based on the famous Ibanez tube screamer pedal.